Writer Forever's blog

On Writer Forever’s blog, I publish articles and videos on the following topics : my daily writing life, writing advice, interviews of writers, creativity. I also share some of my texts, book reviews, news and events about my activity.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015

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2367 Hits

My article about writing and living abroad published on Femmexpat

My article about writing and living abroad published on Femmexpat

My article "Six good reasons to start writing when living abroad" that I wrote and published on this blog on June 2014 was republished on Femmexpat, the website dedicated to french speaking expat women. 

You can read my article about writing and expatriation on Femmexpat and share it with your expat friends via e-mail, Facebook and Twitter.

I believe that writing is a marvelous tool for personnal development. It can be very useful during some life transition such expatriation. 

Thank you to the Femmexpat team !

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  1884 Hits
1884 Hits

May 2014 Column in Le Petit Journal Shanghai

May 2014 Column in Le Petit Journal Shanghai

On May 1st, Le Petit Journal Shanghai published my column Shanghai in family. This month I wrote about schools in Shanghai and which strategy to adopt when your are an expat and global parent. 

Please, share on the social networks. 

NB : my column for Le Petit Journal is in French. 

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2119 Hits

November 2013 Column in Le Petit Journal Shanghai

November 2013 Column in Le Petit  Journal Shanghai

On Wednesday 20th of November 2013, Le Petit Journal Shanghai published my column Shanghai in Family. This month, I give eight ideas of cultural family outings so they can discover Shanghai from another perspective. Three pictures illustrate this article and two of them were done by myself (Madame Tussauds Museum and the Yi Fu Theatre).

Please share on the social media. Thank you.

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2151 Hits

Column in Le Petit Journal - Shanghai Edition

Column in Le Petit Journal - Shanghai Edition

I got a new column in Le Petit Journal - Shanghai edition. The column is about family life in Shanghai and my first article dealt about extra-curricular activities for children and teenagers in Shanghai. It was published online on September 18th, 2013. 

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2247 Hits