Writer Forever's blog

On Writer Forever’s blog, I publish articles and videos on the following topics : my daily writing life, writing advice, interviews of writers, creativity. I also share some of my texts, book reviews, news and events about my activity.

News about my book Finding Your Feet In Chicago

News about my book Finding Your Feet In Chicago

My book Finding Your Feet In Chicago - The essential guide for expat families was published in 2012 by Summertime Publishing that specializes on expat life and life abroad (practical guide, memoirs, novel, anthology). 

Recently, Summertime, founded by Joe Parfitt, decided to crate a little sister company named Springtime Books. This latter takes over some titles of Summertime and my book is one of them.

To celebrate its foundation and its launch, Springtime Books organizes a giveaway. This is a good occasion for you, dear readers, to win a copy of my book ! 

The giveaway is organized on Goodreads, a free social media website for book lovers. To have a chance to win a copy of my book, you need to be a Goodreads member. Why not to join at this occasion ?

The giveaway starts on April 18th (Pacific Time) and lasts until May 17th midnight. Click on the link below "Enter to win" to participate. 



If you win a copy of Finding Your Feet In Chicago, an honest and fair review on Goodreads or Amazon would be more than welcome.

Thank you for your participation and don't hesitate to forward this information to your friend and social media networks. 

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  2734 Hits
2734 Hits

My article about why to start writing a diary when living abroad published on Femmexpat

It might be very useful to start writing a personal diary when living abroad. This tool is very powerful for your personal development and I tell you why in my article " Why starting a personal diary when living abroad ?". It was published on October 15th, 2014 on Femmexpat, the French speaking website for expat women

Have fun and write well !

PS : the article on Femmexpat is in French. 

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  2904 Hits
2904 Hits

How to feel less lonely when you are an expat writer?

How to feel less lonely when you are an expat writer?

I explain how being a writer can be a very lonely process. If on the top of that, you are an expat partner, you add one more layer to your loneliness. Therefore, I give my solutions to network locally as an expat writer.

And you what do you suggest to feel less alone as a writer living overseas?

Read this article written in French

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  1587 Hits
1587 Hits