Writer Forever's blog

On Writer Forever’s blog, I publish articles and videos on the following topics : my daily writing life, writing advice, interviews of writers, creativity. I also share some of my texts, book reviews, news and events about my activity.

Alternatives to the NaNoWriMo

Alternatives to the NaNoWriMo

In this articles, I give alternatives to the NaNoWriMo because writers can also be non-fiction writers, children's books writers, bloggers. 

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  1738 Hits
1738 Hits

Poem of the day

Poem of the day

I share with you a poem I wrote this month as I decided to challenge myself in November by writing a poem a day. You can read it here. Thanks for your comments. 

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  1825 Hits
1825 Hits

My own NaNoWriMo

In this article, I explain what is NaNoWriMo and how this year I set up my own writing challenge instead of doing the real NaNoWriMo. Read more

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1621 Hits